Thursday, October 13, 2005

Space for Creativity...

Juz wanted to create a corner for me to re-discover my creative self...where i can let myself be free and express my own style..

It's a showcase so perhaps when you need some accessories to match a certain outfit to complete THE look...VIOLA! You might find it here.. :)

Friends can ask me if they wan a certain design...currently i am still making them as gifts... :þ

Feel free to browse but most designs will probably come in limited pieces or even juz 1 piece so as to retain its uniqueness...

Like my title suggests... unique...and my friends will know my obsession with butterflies.. :þ

here are some recent works...will be working on more designs soon... and getting lots more *unique* materials to make *unique* designs...

At the moment I only have clear, black, pink and deep red crystals to make earrings the designs are rather limited...

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Curly Wurly 001 - Given to my of the first ones I made, tot she would like the complex design... I personally like this one quite a bit. :)

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Curly Wurly 002 - Still have not decided who to give it to... maybe myself.. haha.. any takers?

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Curly Wurly 003 - Given to NQ, cuz i think she likes simple things...and she named WHITE as her fav colour...

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Hula Loop 001 - Another one given to my sister, wat to do, blood thicker than water ma *actually it's cuz she always complain that i make things for friends, always forget her*...made the length different...juz for fun! :þ

Will be updating any new designs as I go along.. :) and after I get more materials.. :)